Update: so today I am 12 weeks late. As you know a couple days ago I took a pregnancy test it was negative. Today I saw an ad of a girl reusing her pregnancy test. I thought, hmm this is interesting let me go pee on it again, see if it makes a difference. Well I'm looking for the test I took a couple days ago. And as I'm about to pee on it I see this!!! Now I'm freaking out that I could possibly be pregnant! I'm going to wait a few more days to test. But could this really be happening? After all this time!?! I can't tell if it's a line or if the pee(sorry tmi) happened to dry of like this. What are y'all thoughts?
@mommytobe201621, it's ok! I just don't know what this means. I've had other tests I've kept that stayed negative and this one happened to show another line. But idk I'll retest in a few days.
I had the same thing happen to me a little while ago and mine looked just like that and I did so much research into it. I took more tests and got a couple more that looked like this a day later. the line on the test is grey which means its an indent line. If you wish to be sure, I would get a blood test done :)
@alexislopez, @vikki666 thank you! I'll take a couple more in a few days! :) @brooklyn0516 I read online as well that after 8 mins any test results will be considered invalid. I saw this this happened to a few women and they turned out being pregnant so I'm hoping this will be me too! Thank you!!! Hoping for the best!
Urine tests are considered invalid after a window period of like ten minutes. ): they can give false negatives, especially if left overnight. Try again in the morning!! Sending baby dust your way (:
@nicoli_e1, I see two lines:) I would take a couple more and maybe a different brand just to have a better idea...that's what I did:) I didn't believe my first one...and I'm now 38 weeks:)