Has Anyone Else Gotten. The Flu While Pregnant?
I'm 8 Weeks 3 Days And I Tested Positive For The Flu.. I'm A High Risk Pregnancy My Ob Told Me To Ride It Out But I'm Seriously So Miserable.. 😭
I had a 24 hour flu with my first pregnancy, it was brutal 😷 Make sure you're drinking lotssss of water even if you're not keeping it down, just keep drinking. Dehydration I think is the biggest risk for you & baby
@mommytotwo43, I had it at 36 weeks be careful I went almost a week with the flu took Tylenol used Vicks rub nothing worked I went to the er because it got bad that same night I found out I had phnemonea. I had an emergency c section and I couldn't breathe on my own. Not to scare you but I've heard people had passed because of the flu. :/
I've been using robitussin DM and Vic's vapor rub drinking chicken broth and taking Tylenol for my headaches . this fever and body aches are the worst.
I'm 17 weeks and I'm just now getting over it. Tylenol benadryl and theraflu have been my bestfriends. if you want a nasal decongestant get simply saline mist you can't use the medicated stuff..oh and cough drops!!