With my first girl, I had morning sickness all nine months, with throwing up almost daily. I was also tired and my boobs hurt. With my pregnancy now, I'm having a girl again and I only had morning sickness in the first trimester. At 13 weeks, it just randomly stopped. I have WAY more back pain this time around. Both times I have craved apples and ice cream.
I'm having a girl and I still have NEVER gotten any morning sickness praise God!! I think the only "symptoms" I've had were total loss of appetite my entire first semester (I was totally uninterested in food) and bad lower back pain, I was also supernaturally exhausted a lot up until about 18 weeks!
Wow lol with my boys I was very energetic but I threw up a lot but with my girl I was nauseous but never threw up but I was constantly tired an now I'm pregnant with another girl an have the exact same symptoms I had with my daughter @theemmariefactor
Ahhh. Well I'm having a girl. My boobs hurt at first, I was nauseous but only threw up twice and then now I crave chocolate ice cream and pickles but I have to eat them together for it to taste good hahaha