I'll be 34 weeks on Friday, my question is, is it normal to have light contractions/Braxton and have the urge to poop also? like once the pain gone the urge to use the restroom is too!
not a problem if you feel your belly tighten up a lot id go. or if it has any amount of pain or gets worse . never a bad thing to get checked even if the outcome is nothing. because thats your little ones life.
i had contractions at 32 weeks and they stopped them and if you have any bleeding, diarrhea,belly pains,or back labour, dont question it go to the hospital your delivering at. we had to because monday we thought my water broke
I get these not to be gross poop emergencies shere I almost don't make it lol always when I'm driving but the other day I had alot of pressure and it was all day long!
I've been getting Braxton hicks since about 26 weeks. And lately when I feel like I have to poop I go to the bathroom and fart a bunch. It does make me feel better