Since I am excited about going and seeing my daughter tomorrow at the NICU, I thought I would share my birth story.
On March 4th, all day and through the night I was feeling weird. My feet and legs were swollen beyond belief, I had the same headache for days on end, I couldn't sleep and I knew my blood pressure was way up. I called the on call doctor at the hospital to see if i could get an appointment for the next morning early. March 5th at 9 a.m. I went in and they immediatley detected protein in my urine and sent me to the local hospital for bloodwork and the baby to be monitored. After being there for 5 hours the doctor said they were transferring me to another hospital over an hour away because I had preeclampsia and I might have to deliver my baby early. I was transported by ambulance and got there, where I spent the next 4 days in horrible pain, on bedrest. I received a catheter because I was told I could not get out of bed due to my blood pressure, I was close to stroking out. no pain meds helped the headache or pain in my side. They did bloodwork 5 times a day, everyday. On March 10th the bloodwork finally came back resulting with my liver function being sky high. I asked to be induced because I wanted a natural delivery. They started pitocin. At this point, I was laying I bed sobbing in so much pain because of the headache, and I couldn't even hold my eyes open. After 5 hours in pitocin and no progression, I requested a c-section. My daughter was born at 6:29 p.m. at 4 pounds and 1.3 ounces at 32 weeks and 4 days.