if he's gonna miss damn near 9 months of pregnancy, he's gonna miss all the first... all the cries, all the smiles... all the memories... all the happiness... and what's sad is that I'm to the point I don't really care about him anymore. the way he acts turns me off completely. how can someone be so self centered? enough to not show interest in their own kid? that's okay though because every time she cries for daddy mommy will be the one to pick her beautiful head up! she'll remember that.... when she's here, it won't be under my control what should be done for his daughter....because she'll make it perfectly clear who she wants and in her older Years, she'll thank me for being so strong. mommy loves You Brynleigh, and I'm so sorry for the pain your going to endure when it comes to your father!!!!! 😢😖
I know too well also. my mom came back into my life at 13, my dad still isn't in my life much... I try to keep positive because I know I'm different than them... but I didn't want my baby girl to have to go through what I did.. excuse my language, but I'm fucked up from it. nobody understands... his family is super close and he's got his mom and his dad, always have had them... so I don't expect for him to understand either... it just breaks my heart really..
Just protect your baby with all your heart! My dad wasn't there for me for 14 years and now that I'm in Fl he lives 2 hours away and try's to come in my life and it's heart breaking and very very hard because I always wanted to be daddy's girl but the reality is it will never happen....I pray she never goes through that as an adult because it is a mental trauma that's sticks with you as a kid to an adult!