hi ladies! I have a question. I have a 3 year old and in July I am due with our second son. my hubby and I have tried to potty train our 3 year old, but our son freaks out the second we mention going to the bathroom. how did you ladies cope with potty training and what worked for you? it seems since I've been pregnant our son likes to sleep in bed with us. it's getting to the point where my hubby and I can't sleep a full night because my son is restless. how did you ladies make sure your little ones stayed in bed through the whole night? thanks so much 😊 best of luck to all the mommies about to go into labor.
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thank you ladies 😊 it's tough haha

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thank you ladies 😊 it's tough haha

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If he showing he not ready to be potty train they say don't push it he will do it when he ready I just got my son potty trained he will be 4 in April he will pick it up right when he ready when he is ready don't use any sort of diapers or pull up and do your normal actives through the day if I had to go to the stores I would just pack extra cloths and just remind him no peeing or pooping in your pants it was a real struggle all year trying to train my son but he finally handed me his underwear told me he wanted to wear them good luck hon !

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You have my life . My 3 year old won't pee on potty and he sleeps with my husband and I sleep on couch since he keeps me awake at night . My husband is leaving town for a few days so I'm trying to get my son in his own bed when husband is gone . As for peeing I just put him on potty every 15 mins and rewarded him when he goes

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