Sarah Ray
Sarah Ray
I'm sooooo nervous about being a new mom 😩 me and my SO don't have much experience with babies and little to none with newborns and we live in our own. I'm worried I won't take care of her right 😕 I'm breastfeeding and that's nerve wracking for me too cause I want to be sure she's being fed properly. I've never changed a newborns diaper either, is there a wrong way to do it? Ive changed babies a few months old Diapers but never a newborn I'm just worried about messing up and her being unhappy or in pain🙁 I'm nervous just holding my friends newborn daughter i second guess myself the whole time and it feels awkward. Lol I guess since I'm getting closer to having her I'm getting more anxious anybody else always worry??

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Take a parenting class with your boyfriend.
15.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
when you deliver the baby at the hospital they will help you with any questions or concerns you home about your baby girl
15.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
look into some baby classes
15.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
You may feel that way now but the second you hold that sweet baby in your arms things just start to feel right. And you'll get the hang of things. Utilize your resources at the hospital after you give birth. No question is a silly question and you'll learn a lot. Good luck !
15.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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