I seriously just need to vent I live with my grandparents & one of my aunts lives here as well with her 4 kids. But my cousin the oldest my lord he's 12 years old & OH MY GOD HES JUST SO DISRESPECTFUL he's just such a bad kid he has no manners & doesn't even respect anyone at all when I say anyone I mean no one . He never listens to him mom . My daughter was sleeping & my room right next to the living room he was pushing chairs against my wall & we can hear everything & I went outside & told him to stop Bc that's the only time she really gets a full nap Bc it's peaceful & quite till everyone gets home . & all he told me was IDC I DIDNT TELL YOU TO HAVE HER. I literally told him he was gonna end up in jail for being the way he is . I'm just so upset I'm crying Bc I wish I could just get up & go with my child & not have to deal with this its so sad he's my family and he's so rude! My aunts literally tried everything taking his phone/Xbox and all away from this child and he continues to just be so disrespectful he has a dad but he's rude to him as well but they just don't take action into discipline him

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But I'm sorry about what you have to deal with as well there's just no winning with children sometimes we can only hope are kids won't ever be that way ! @sn0wmariiee
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
See the thing in my case is my whole family will tell him to knock it off and to act right but he just chooses to rebel there no talking to this kid he just does not care , and yea I'm the same as you it gets under my skin and I came in my room & cried Bc my aunt also has a 1 year old and when he's sleeping he's quite and tells his sister to be quite but once it's my daughter he wants to be loud so frustrating I just wanna have my own place . 😭
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
wow seriously sounds an brother like sometimes I can handle it but then they get under my skin an I cry because at the moment we are stuck an I swear no one ever takes my side this an that so I became the mean one it's either that or they run over me an my son an my husband an that's not going to happen but I totally get you it's frustrating an I have a daughter on the way so I'm like omgee they better stop or one hurt them mind you my brother is 8 & my cousin is 13 I think they have noo respect for shit all I can say is stand up for yourself an if they don't like it then they are dumb an blind
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Honestly I told my BF if I get kicked out the house it's for slapping the shit outta him like he has me so fucked up but I held in my anger that I was crying Bc he's just so rude it's crazy to me . He's over here telling me to grow up & this and tht in like I'm 22 years old you don't gotta tell me to do shit tf @sn0wmariiee
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
sorry fr my language but I'd slap the fuck outta him an make him wish he didn't mess with me family.Or.not I'm.In the same situation as you an my.cousin an my brother both team up an try an wake my son an be very mean to him till I got to the point I'm like fuck that an I whoop there add because my mom an aunt won't correct no one an now I'm the one who corrects them
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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