Hey mommies, this is a question for all ladies who went through the birth process naturally, or at least until they could get the epidural lol. I want to do this naturally when the time comes, but i will be telling the doctor i MIGHT want an epidural just in case i reach the point where i absolutely cannot do it anymore. Anybody have any tips for getting through and managing the pain? I've been on pinterest looking up different things but i'd love to hear from any of you ladies who went through it personally!

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@mw1620, thats so interesting because literally everyone i've talked to has said induction was worse than naturally going!
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@nervousmommy, yea it was easier my little sister went into labor by her self and she was in worse pain then I was when I was labor
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mw1620, really, induction was less painful for you? I've heard so many people say that induction made it 10 times worse! Thats good to hear in case my doctor suggests it lol
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
being induced is less painful I was induced with both of my girls had back labor with the first one and normal labor with my youngest I could of done it naturally if I was able to be checked with out being in pain from them just touching me it's easier I think
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
induced isn't more painful that wait is much longer lol
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
yeah I think getting induced will be more painful
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@josy, i hope i don't have to be induced because i've heard it makes the contractions so much worse, but i understand that anything can happen! Breathing and relaxing will be my mantra while I'm there lol
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Definitely talk to your doctor about that. You can also deny getting an iv port if you don't need to be induced. My sister did only because she has a needle phobia.
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
nervousmommy, okay awesome, i've been reading a lot about different rhythms of breathing but i feel like once I'm there and the contractions are strong it'll all just fly out of my head lol. Thanks for the advice!
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@tiffrae, my doctor made it seem like if they didn't monitor her the WHOLE time i was in labor that something bad would happen, i'll definitely have to ask about just intermittent monitoring because i know how important it is to make sure baby's heartbeat stays high and consistent! Thanks for your input!
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
just breathe and relax. for this pregnancy if I'm not induced I will try again not to get it.
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I honestly tried relaxing as much as possible. I was induced so the contractions came on really really strong. I couldn't take the pain so I did get the epidural. I didn't want to but I just couldn't do it anymore. the contractions were coming so fast I couldn't get over it.
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Lol I get it! And no not really just deep breaths when it was happening. I had done some research and have heard of certain patterns working, but for me it came like an instinct, I just let it do its own thing and whatever happened, worked. I mean I kind of took deeper slower breaths towards the end of the contraction but as far as that I didn't need a specific rhythm as long as I was breathing I felt a whole lot better.
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Once they broke my water at 8cm I stayed in bed and they got to monitor the baby. The doctor only wanted to monitor for a certain time period to get it in the books when I first arrived. My contrations were never monitored until I was in the bed for pushing. Monitoring during birth is a good thing because it shows how the baby is taking the pushing and their heart rate isn't dropping really low when you push.
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@lostinct82mj, you too!! I might have to bring some headphones too now that you mention it, that could be a good distraction!! Thanks so much for the advice!
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@tiffrae, wow i hope to do something like that as well, labor at home as long as possible! Thats amazing that you made it that far! Was it a big deal to be off the monitors to your doctor? I asked mine about this at the beginning of my pregnancy and she acted like i was kind of putting my baby in danger if we didn't monitor kind of scared me. I'd like the option of being able to move around without being confined to a bed strapped to monitors!
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's not stupid at all if you want to go natural :) im taking lavender to put on a towel and my headphones for music. I can handle quite a bit with distraction so I'm going to give that a shot - Good Luck!!
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
yoga ball, swaying back in forth and definitely breath threw contractions. Dress to how you want. I was in my room naked; I had PUPPs and had the worse hot flashes. Ask your doctor if you can be off from monitors as much as possible. I thankfully got to just hold the monitor on to my stomach while I stood because I didn't want to get in the bed until I had to be checked. I labored at home until 7 cm.
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@lostinct82mj, oh yes i know! Lol my mom warned me about that a lot because she reached the point where it was too late for an epidural with her second kid despite asking the doctor for it multiple times in the hours before. But i know how i am with pain and i kind of feel like if i did reach that point it would be better since i would have no choice but to follow through with no medication- is that a stupid thought do you think?
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I found walking swaying and just focusing on breathing (as much as possible)
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
nervousmommy, thanks so much! Just a question, was there any specific "rhythm" of breathing that worked for you? I know that sounds kind of weird lol but was it just instinctual or did you do any research? (I'm trying to be as prepared as possible)
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
One piece of advice - there is a time where it's too late for an epidural and that's normally when the pain is the worse. An epidural can actually stop contractions for some women so I'd work out with your SO and OB at what point is the best option.. Don't wait for your pain level to be too much, you may be stronger than you realize
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
while I can't say much and I'm probably not the "ideal person" to get this advice from since I didn't go natural. but before I got the epidural both times, breathing helped a whoooollleeee lot, I know that sounds so simple but for a while I made the mistake of holding my breath during contractions and for whatever reason, that makes them hurt worse, probably because your body is tensed up I guess. breathing deep breaths helped so much and just relaxing. I can't give you much advice for the pain during labor since I was fairly numb, but definitely breathe through contractions! and me being on my side helped a lot the second time, not sure why that is either, I just had a serious urge to lay on my side during contractions.
14.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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