I know it sounds crazy but I plan to have my baby all natural.
..it really aggravates me to here people putting me down saying I can't do it an trying to scare me with their labor/delivery stories, everyone's pregnancy/labor is different!
I had a epidural with both of my girls and now my back is messed up and I can't stand for long periods of time with out being in pain this time I'm going to try and go natural as long as I don't have back labor like I did with my first
My epidural didn't work with my send pregnancy and I was petrified of the pain (I was also induced) but I only cried through 2 contractions and pushed 1 time. I'm debating no epidural this time. :)
Stand your ground! I labored for eight hours and the doctor on call convinced me to get it. Every half hour he came in and said "want that epidural yet? It's gonna hurt. It's the worst. You need it". After about 4 hours of him doing that I caved. I regret it!
you can totally do it! my epidural didn't work the second time around because I have scoliosis and they couldn't place it where it needed to be, so I didn't have a choice in the matter... but, the difference between having an affective epidural and not having one, was pushing for nearly 3 hours the first time, to literally 3 pushes and she was out the second time! without that type of medication, your body takes over and helps you push (without you even telling it to)... whatever you decide, you gotta do what's best for you!
Everyone has something to say! haha I've told so many people I wanted to go all natural and I always get the sarcastic "good luck with that" or "you'll give in and get it".