it's been a while since I've done it but Ohdela was great for me. it's a home school program, they provide all your supplies and computer, they'll also help with your Internet bill. Maybe they'd be a good option.
I can't be away from home that much. I will only be working short shifts throughout the week or really long shifts like twice a week. I need something I can do at home. @curreymom
i totally understand. i finally found a good program for me to receive my diploma, and get college credits at the same time its just a matter of actually getting into it. lol
That makes me so sad.. really. it really bothers me that schooling is required past junior year honestly. I learned nothing the 3 times I was a senior and it was just so boring and pointless in my opinion. But now I need it for my higher education and sadly I didn't realize what I wanted to do until after I got pregnant 😞 @pixiestix
I have been ok it of high school for years and if I tried to go back and talk to them they would definitely discourage online. they always have. but I will also check our the summit learning. thank you! @mamabee
no problem! I'm a high school dropout and looked into several options after my son was born. would have done it but the only location in my area wasn't accepting upcoming seniors. broke my heart. lol
my teenagers are doing an online charter school that they can also go to community college paid for by the charter school. you may want to ask the high school councilor for information in your area or Google it.