I had a tiring experience with being induced, thinking about not doing it this time around. I went in at 8 pm Friday night they put a pill in my cervix to help dilate my cervix, tried to sleep that night but couldn't because they pill made me cramp some, and couldn't get comfortable in there damn hospital beds while hooked up to every monitor they had. the next day (saturday), they moved me to labor and delivery room and started my pitocin. I walked alot that day, bounced on the ball, walked some more, they had my pitocin level just about as high as they could go and nothing was happening, got the epidural, then about halfway through the day they broke my water, after that I tried to nap, couldn't really nap, I was pretty tired by then. around 10am saturday night it was time to push, pushed for 1 1/2 hrs and I was so tired I could see straight, everytime I pushed I had to close my eyes. finally he was out, I was so exhausted I was falling asleep holding him. I stayed awake long enough to shower and eat alittle. so I don't know, it was just a very exhausting experience for me, didn't really get to experience it all well enough. but good luck to you! hope you have a good experience.
All they do is put pitocin in your iv it starts your labor you'll never know it's just like going into labor on your own the only thing they do is give u meds to help start the labor after that you'll start to feel contractions or what not once you get a certain centimeter they'll give you the epidural after that it's smooth sailing until it's time to push see it's not that bad @christin2016