I started peeing a lot. But my missing period wasn't a red flag because I was always irregular. My boyfriend told me to take a test a few times and I was like nahhh waste of money I always think I'm pregnant when I'm late then it's negative. But then when I was peeing extremely often I realized I should probably check LOL and low and behold, BFP!
I randomly got nauseous while eating a burger at 5 guys, took a test and it was negative so I wasn't worried. Then I realized I was so irritated all the time and everything my husband did was wrong! Lol so j took the other test 3 days later with my morning pee and it was two pink lines after like 5 seconds!
everything made me gag smells mostly i couldnt even eat on thanksgiving like i used to one plate and i hate to go home from feeling sick. my mom kept asking i said no mom im not. i went into doctor for a follow up thinking i was going to have to be on fertility medicine and the 3 months of bc pill didnt work on regulating my pill since i didnt have a november period i went dec 9 to doctor she told me im already pregnant it felt like I dream i was so happy after 2 yrs ttc. :) i also got real car sick and had no appetite. now that i look back i started getting sick when i was 4-5 weeks i know super early!! found out at 8 weeks. i thought the cold i had was making me nauseous
First symptom that I noticed was me being 7 days late but apparently my aunt noticed first and had suspicion because I had apparently become extremely moody.