I just had my membranes stripped. What should I expect? And if I don't go into labor between now and Wednesday than I see the doc again next Friday and we will talk about inducing.
Something needs to happen real quick cause these contractions that I have been having for the past couple days don't feel good but they aren't close enough together
I get mine sweeped next wed and she told me to walk for about two hours after to really get it going... When I had it done with my first son my water broke that night good luck mama!
Then things may progress faster for you! I'm only at a 2, and haven't had any bleeding. I got mine stripped yesterday at 4. But they usually say if nothing happens within like 72 hours then it "failed." So far nothing much for me.
for me it's just been some cramping, a few irregular contractions and now I'm losing bits of my mucus plug. But you can expect any of that maybe even some bloody show too, just depends!