God I only made it to 3-4 centimeters dilated and wasn't making any improvement so my Dr wanted to do a c section. it sucked. I've been hurting so bad. I hate taking the oxys they gave me so I've been just taking the ibuprofen 800 mg. @missnaty
Omg thats crazy , I thought I was going to have her sooner cause I was 4cm for like a week and have contractions but not in active labor then it hit me hard that Monday at 3pm and she was born 6pm quick labor and so painful I'm so glad it's over .. I'm still in a lot of pain taking my meds as often as possible recovery has been hell
I was due March 1st as well. My water broke March 1st so I went in and they got me on pitocin but it was making my contractions weird so at 2 am they came in and said we needed to do a c section. @missnaty