@mimi9915, I know the feeling. You just have to force yourself to eat to make sure the babies are getting the vitamins from it. My mother was the same way when she was pregnant with my twin and I. She just forced herself to eat a couple of bites of something. You can also ask your Doctor what would be best for you to eat. I am not pregnant with twins, but I know the feeling of not being hungry at all.
I feel like I don't want anything fruit vegetables nothing I can eat ice all day my sister in law has to force me to eat and still can't finish @mjay2015
best thing to do is just eat. small things through out the day. What I do is I will carry fruit with me and eat on it through out the day. that way you don't eat anything to heavy and it is healthy. a couple of days ago, I had some veggies and I snacked on that through the evening because I was just not hungry at all, but I didn't want to eat so much I was going to hurt myself.