How Much Should I Pump and Dump After Smoking Hookah?
Would I have to pump & dump after I smoke a hookah & how much would I have to pump & dump? Please no negative comments just would like to know for in the future.
I planned on feeding her before even going to smoke a hookah & I planned on pumping all day to. But I just wanted to be on the safe side lol @theemmariefactor
Literally all these perfect parents are getting on my nerves tonight. They say it's better to breastfeed and smoke than to formula feed any day smh. Girl, feed first, smoke, and by the time baby is ready to eat again you're good to feed. If you want to be extra careful you can even pump prior and give her one bottle then go back to breast. But the nicotine won't stay in your body very long.
You should probably wait the same amount of time as alcohol just to be safe! Smoking and breast feeding isn't safe for the baby! It's like the same rules for pregnancy and breast feeding. You can't smoke while pregnant so you shouldn't while breast feeding either.. 😊 @diller464 @_miasmommy