17 weeks pregnant. I feel like my bladder is full and it's not. it feels like so much pressure like I've been holding it for way to long. I don't have a kidney infection or bladder or a uti. what is this weird pain???
I had lots of really crazy non-baby related dreams, & I craved ramen noodles, fruit & Pepsi for a loooong time lol. Other than that it was really just the carrying low thing
@kelseyp1992, they usually say if you're carrying low you're having a boy lol & if you're feeling a lot of pressure very low then you're probably carrying low.. Not set in stone of course but yeah! It ended up being right for me!
I don't know what I'm having until the 28th hopefully @killxj0y everyone is saying I'm having a girl but I don't know. I keep having all of these vivid dreams of a baby girl
@kelseyp1992, yeah my son has sat SOOOO low my whole entire pregnancy, I used to hold my pee just bc I knew even tho I felt like I had to, if I went it was only gonna be a little that came out lol