y'all deserve it most definitely, and since you live in Georgia look for a grassy area with tons of trees or if you know anyone that lives on a mini farm that's even better, my adoptie mom lives in the country so that's where we are having it. I always love the thought of giant haybells and that's what people will sit on ( of course with blankets bc theyre itchy) look into getting mason jars for drinks and to get the fairy tale part in the mix maybe put Mr and Mrs in glitter😆 also anything burlap fits the bill too bows all of that great stuff😊 and don't forget southern brides especially fairytale ones normally get the poofy dresses, maybe add some cow girl boots under it;) that's what I'm doing with the dress is adding a burlap bow to it and wearing boots pinterest helps alot girl<3
@soontobemommy1615 definitely start by picking where exactly you want it, like i chose a farm and I'm basing the decorations off it being southern and out doors. That will make it so much easier for you then everything falls into place:) let me kniw I'll help you