Wish people warned you about how much of a bitch postpartum stuff is... Spending so many minutes in the bathroom and leaving baby in his crib makes me sad but it needs to be done I guess
@mrs.fernandez, that's exactly how I feel omg. He's a big boy too so I'm sure if he was hungry he would let me know. Yeah he does the same thing he latches on then passes out. I use the nipple shield mostly because if I don't he can hardly latch on. My nipple itself is kind of small but my areolas are big enough so it sucks. I'm just glad he can get breast milk and I make so much. I hate after I shower I'm leaking like a bad faucet
I would wait until he woke up himself I didn't want to disturb his precious sleep lol now since he's older he'll wake up just to make sure I'm there I'll put him on my boob & he goes right back to sleep.
@mrs.fernandez, wish I had a boppy, I asked for one for my birthday Wednesday lol omg yeah I have 2 cans of spray it works well enough for a little while and the pain meds too. I need to remind myself to stay hydrated too. Did you feed every 2-3 hours when he was brand new or did you wait until he woke up? Baby would sleep til morning if I let him and I feel bad waking him up.
I knw were so close! It was so hard for my I used my boppy to sit on it didn't hurt that bad when used that. I definitely know the feeling mama it'll get better did they give you the spay? It kinda numbs it.
@mrs.fernandez, omg you're in the area too that's awesome but I hate how hard it is to get comfy and sit. I'm glad he likes breastfeeding while I lie down way more. I'm scared to use soap down there they told me to stick with the witch hazel wipes and peri bottle but I hate feeling grimy and paranoid