Oh man I'm so so sorry :(. I don't understand men, especially ones who could cheat on a pregnant girlfriend...like, someone they are creating LIFE with. Pamper yourself, get your nails and/or hair done. Take a bath with luxurious bath salts. Hang out with family and friends. Lots of baby shopping! Do anything to keep your mind off of what's going on. I know it will be hard...I've been cheated on before but I can only imagine it happening while pregnant. You are in my thoughts!! If you need to talk, message me! Even though I'm a stranger. Talking it through could help.
meditation and music always help me the most. ive been through similar situations during my pregnancy. try to think positive, everything will be better eventually 💘
Agree^^ anything you can find to keep you busy, talk about it and cry cry cry. The sooner you let it all out and let yourself come to terms with it, the easier it'll be! If you need someone to talk to, you can always message me😊 unfortunately, I know what it feels like.
pregnancy exercises, talk about it, new music, meditation, reading, cleaning, anything you can think of to keep busy but talking helps. crying is SO GOOD for you.