okay 2 questions for moms & other pregnant women: 1: Is 8 weeks too early for wicked pregnancy cravings or am i just being fat? lol i suddenly want salt & vinegar chips so badly and cant stop thinking of them. 2: Am i just being sucky or is this really uncomfortable with the cramps/morning sickness/ribs hurting/nausea/boobs sore. I'm so miserable well I'm very happy there's a lil baby blessing but I'm miserable with the pain & always hoping baby is okay.

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i had preggo cravings at. 8 weeks
29.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
before I found out how far I am ( 10 weeks and 3 days today) I wanna say I was about 7-8 weeks and I was craving the weirdest things. I'm lactose Intolerant and I ate cheese wiz and crackers. I ate pickles I had left over Chinese food and I ate so many chips. just be conscious as the craving get worse as you approach 3rd trimester. :p my body's first sign of pregnancy was tender boobs they were unbearably sore.
good luck ☺☺
08.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Oh my gosh... I was just craving salt and viniger chips so badly. 18 weeks they havnt went away yet... lol. I have like 5 miss.vicky chip bags on the floor of my car. empty. I should definitely clean this beast haha.
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I started having cravings right away, I'm kinda glad I also had morning sickness to stop me from eating too much junk, and gaining too much in the first trimester. But you should start to feel better soon
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
my cravings were a hint to us that something was up.. I found out at 5 weeks so cravings cab happen anytime.... ya first trimester is full of feeling crappy for me too... alot of it goes away in the second trimester
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
everyone goes through pregnancy differently. first one was a breeze after the 1st trimester. 2nd one really sucked and the only thing I liked about it was feeling my son move and kick. cravings can happen anytime. I craved cheetos one night I sent my husband out right away lol.
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
pregnancy can definitely suck a lot. I swear that once you see your baby in your arms it will all be a blur and you won't remember life before him/her. congrats and a healthy and happy pregnancy :)
07.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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