so tired of people fighting. my SO and his site fight so bad. she tows in his face that she helped him buy parts for my car when one it was me who asked her, two I paid her back, three the car is in my name and four he is just my mechanic so to speak. and telling him he's not worth being a father um I'm sorry look at your husband who has two kids and been out of jail for 3 years witch for 2 and 1/2 of those years was unemployed while you lived off the state with your two kids and went to jail for drugs and has the date his probation ends circled on his calender for the next day he can go party and get high. that's all he's been talking about for the past three years. really. some people. I may not have the best man but he does what u ask him to on my car he has no part of. so how you can hold the fact against your brother you bought parts for HIS car is beyond me. and to tell your mother that I'm bitching about her driving my car when I'm on the verge of loosing my job because I let her drive my car and don't ask for a damn thing in return is fucking bullshit. I just dropped almost $600.00 (if not more) into parts for that damn car and still probly have about another $50.00 in brakes (witch were replaced not even 6 months ago) and have I ever asked her for a penny? let me answer that for you. no. why did I do it so she could get to work while that made me on the verge of loosing my job because I don't have a car so I now have to find ways to get my son to a babysitter and myself to work. and I get fucking shit blamed on me. and to top it all off. this all started because my so's older sister wanted her daughter who's staying the night (and been here all weeking watching my so's younger sisters kids) home around 12-1 and my so said he would do it so his mom can bring me my car so he doesn't have to drive his bosses truck to charlott hall again.. I'm sick of being nice. this house can't come fast enough.. sorry ladies. I'm stressed to the max and could use someone to talk to.

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