@mommytoprinceaiden092915 he eats 5oz. before bed. I give him a bath at 1030pm and rub him down with lavander baby lotion and then get him dressed and then turn off the lights and feed him and rock him to sleep. he also doesn't sleep much during the day. he sleeps 3 hours maybe 4. but I agree with @elismommy428 about not turning on lights or changing him when he wakes up in the middle of the night. before my son slept through the night he would wake up at 5 and I wouldbt turn on any lights I would just try rocking him to sleep and if I had to I only gave him about 2/3oz and he was back to sleep. it takes time for them to adjust ,you just need to help him know when it's day and when it's night. :) you'll get there momma!
@tubiemomma I'm breastfeeding so I can't exactly tell how much does he eats😞 but like @thegeedie said, setting up a routine does helps a lot, it also has to do with how much does he eats and sleeps during the day @mommytoprinceaiden092915 . you may wanna try not feeding him when he wakes up during night, or turn on the lights, if his dipper is only wet don't change him either, put some baby powder before he goes to bed so it won't bother him, it sounds rough I know but little by little he'll start to get the hint, that his only supposed to sleep during the night (:
my son goes to sleep between 11-1130pm and wakes up between 8-9am. :) he's been sleeping this way for a few weeks now. I have a bedtime routine and I think it helps a lot!
when my son was 4 months (actually 'till the day) he would go to sleep at 11pm, wakes up around 7-8am eats, then go back to sleep for another 2 hours, and be up by 11am☺