Toys, snacks, favorite blanket or stuffed animal. I personally would recommend having a paci or something to suck o during take off and landing. The suckling helps with keeping the pressure in their ears low which typically if there is too much pressure in their ears is what makes them cry. I flew with my son when he was 2 months old, paci was my best friend.
something keep baby entertained and honestly don't mind what others say if baby crys let them because they are not use to it but take snacks and a blanket.
Toys and snacks lol. It's pretty common sense, but unless you are okay with filling your baby's bottle with some whiskey, it's the only options you have, haha. Honestly, I get worried about that, too because you feel like everyone hates you the moment they see s baby, but you guys have a right to be there. Screw everybody else. Babies do what babies do. How long is the flight? What airline?