I feel so bad for a lot of y'all. .. I sleep like a log during all of my pregnancies. .. even now with the twins. Only problem I have is when it's time to get up I will hold my pee as long as I can hahaha because I don't want to get up . lol
I'm sure she will! she still has some time anyways to catch up with her brother ♡. omg yes.. I don't even talk to my husband about it because he tells me I'm freaking myself out. especially when all my tests so far are ok.
yes same here @ftmommieoftwiinz my girl is still week behind boy but she's growing .... they have me in Dr office every week so I get to see them every week it's nice ... I just hope all continues to flow well ... I'm seeing all these preterm twin mommies it's freaking me out
it's going ok. I'm just trying to take it easy because I want them to stay in there as long as possible. So far all my tests are coming back good and their organs and everything are on track..what about you??
Lol the only thing is I have to hear my husband snoring..and my twins taking turns laying on my bladder..lately I haven't been running to the bathroom as much in the middle if the night lol
Haha oh my goodness you are lucky. I'm hoping if I have another baby it won't be like this, but I wake up every single hour on the hour 😂 and I never sleep. I wouldn't feel bad though ☺ that is great for you.
@dibecausr a lot of women on here say they can't get comfortable or sleep at all ... I feel bad for them because I know how it feels to want to rest and cant