Do go fund me accounts actually work?i wanna make one cause I don't wanna deliver my baby in a hospital
I want a home birth/ water birth.. But I feel like no one is gonna wanna help me reach my goal lol😅
It's now about what you think. And homebirth are mainly for the ones who had a healthy pregnancy. If you had complications then it's perfect that you went to a hospital :)
However your last statement isn't true. But I'll leave you alone now since you're not that well informed. @_stayingparkerstrong_
@loveaboveall i had a hospital birth i dont need to watch a movie to know what one is like.... i had a million complications & without the hospital my son would've died. if you csnt afford a certain birth than you dont need it.
@loveaboveall, go fund accounts are for everything but people who are sick, deceased or facing a hardship tend to get the most support. you can set it up and see if you get the help
@_stayingparkerstrong_, if you don't think hospital births are bad if the pregnancy is going healthy then I think you are a bit blind :( Maybe watching the business of being born will help take the blind off.. Nevertheless, thanks for your opinion :) have a nice day
@_stayingparkerstrong_, I don't really know much people but this birthing thing is serious and is much more than what people make it seem. I doubt people will understand unless they've seen the business of being born
However your last statement isn't true. But I'll leave you alone now since you're not that well informed. @_stayingparkerstrong_