Where are the mamas who believe that babies shouldn't have to cry it out and that you should do whatever you can to soothe them? I have some questions.
Me and hubby had a lot of late nights because she did sleep in our room but we would stay in the living room till she fell asleep so as not to disturb her process. Once she fell asleep we would go in and get in bed. She never really took more than an hour or so to finally fall asleep. I don't think she was waking for feedings by that age either.
At a year I'd let my daughter cry it out for a bit, enter back into the room and comfort her and tell her again it's bed time, leave for awhile and repeat. Every time I leave I'd stay out longer. Eventually she caught on and stopped crying and finally just went to bed.
You should try controlling his naps. With my daughter she is allowed to take two naps a day. She is not allowed to sleep past 5 pm and she is almost always in bed by 9. But I don't make her go to bed if she isn't tired. I keep her up as long as I can until she gets very tired so she sleeps longer. Then she is usually in bed until 8-9 sometimes 10-10:30 if I'm lucky. Other than when she wakes up to nurse in the middle of the night. @ibekaylaful
@alainasmama next one is not co sleeping I've learned my lesson with this one. But his crib is in our room too and slowly he's sleeping alone. But he like naps at night and during the day. It's terrible.
@Ibekaylaful I don't co sleep unless she is having bad dreams and keeps waking up and wants to cuddle. But she is breast fed and she sleeps in our room.
My son is almost a year too. And I am in the same boat. But I was co sleeping with him because of nursing. Boy that was a bad idea now he won't sleep in his bed. And wakes up to nurse often through the night.
@kparis, I know it will take a few days of doing it over and over for her to get the message that I won't pick her back up. She's the type that wants her way and only her way. And she is all the type of baby who doesn't calm themselves down, she cries until she chokes and gets hives and starts hyperventilating. It's so sad and I hate it. But my god, play time at 11:30 is not ok. She can not learn that she can wake up whenever she wants and decide I have to be up too..
So my daughter is almost a year old and she doesn't sleep through the night.. I've been told this is unnatural that she should be sleeping through the night. Honestly I don't mind when she wakes up to be nurses and falls right back asleep but sometimes she thinks it's play time..I've been seriously contemplating just letting her cry herself to sleep if she doesn't want to be nursed.. This mama is tired and needs sleep. @lil_bigmama @kparis @alainalovesmommy