It's officially March! The month that our sweet little boy will arrive. We absolutely cannot wait. Today was our 37 week ultrasound, and my body is progressing really well for his arrival. Next Tuesday we will have an ultrasound to get an estimated weight for our big boy- who is routinely measuring 1.5-2 weeks ahead in size. All that's left to do is rest (as much as possible) and continue nesting. Patiently awaiting the arrival of baby Dolan. March is going to be the best month ever!!! 💜💙
@cnewell23, your doctor will take good care of you :) don't worry! I was dilated at a 1 for 2 weeks. Then at a 1.5 for a week. And now I'm at a 2. we will see what I'm at on Tuesday at my apt!
I m due the 21st...I have been dialted for 3 weeks now and no progress at my appointment today 😕 I'm done waiting! but lucky the end is near and I know if I don't dilate anymore I will be induced just worried because I have gd with this pregnancy and I gained 8 lbs in a week😑
@3.26.16, they started checking me at 34 because I went in for contractions and was dilated to a 1. So now they check me weekly. @capesy91 Good luck!!!
I don't know if I'm dilated my doctor won't check until 38 weeks. my son came at 38 weeks hoping she do the same. they moved my due date to the 20th but I still go by the 26th.
Hah, I say "patiently" very loosely. I'm definitely not patient. I'm pretty miserable and ready for him to come!! I've tried lots of pineapple- no luck, and sex- so far it's helped me dilate more!! I'm at 2cm & I'm 70% effaced!
yes finally. I'm not patiently waiting tho. she can come this weekend lol. my body is beyond sore. . I will be letting nature take its course , and wont try to self induce. .