Tinleigh (3 days old) has barely eaten a thing today and when I do get her to eat, she vomiting it all up before she's even done eating! This has only happened since I started powder formula... She did really well with the pre mixed hospital bottles. Is there a difference? I noticed that the pre mixed are darker and thicker. Even though they are the same, is it possible that she can handle one and the other? Should I try a sensitive formula? She can't afford to lose any more weight. And is starting to look pretty jaundiced!

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yes..its a difference. my son was in NICU and the whole time he was there he got breastmilk and the ready to feed formula. ...once he came home prepared the formula and it made him upset and he started having diarrhea and he didn't wanted to drink it, it was as if it was causing him pain...then there was blood accompanied in his loose stools....turns out theres one ingredient in the powder formula that he was allergic to, and the ready to feed didn't had it..even though itbws the same one....and he was already on that particular formula because he had milk protein allergy. so it does makes a difference
02.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son did great on both the premade liquid and the powder Gerber Good Start Gentle formula. Definitely ask your child's doctor about the situation. My son was also jaundiced after coming home. The nurse did a home visit and she said it would go away in a few days and it did. Good luck.
02.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
if she's starting to look like she may have jaundice then it's not the formula, it's her liver. take her to the ER or her dr tomorrow
02.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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