36 weeks, placed on maternity leave, go in for my strep swab tomorrow, my hubs told me I look like I'm going to pop (I wanted to pop him for that). Scheduled c-section for the 25th, wondering if this time I will actually make it passed 37 weeks with this back pain and pressure. I'm so ready to have him in my arms!
that's exciting! I had my first natural and he came late 37 weeks I was dilated to 4 for a month. My daughter I was dilated 3 and she came early 37 weeks. My youngest came at 34 weeks I don't even know if I was dilated. I've been on progesterone shots, so I'm interested to see what happens. He is sitting so low and my lower back is killing me! I switched doctors so I'm not sure if he will check me or not
March 25th? That's my due date 💙 but I already started dilating and having bad contractions so I say about a week or two. Find out tomorrow if I dilated anymore. Good luck 😊