can someone explain maternity leave please?😊

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thank you so much! that helps @sarahb518
01.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Do you have any specific questions? Generally speaking, you get 6 weeks of paid maternity leave (8 weeks of you have a c-section). It is about 65% of your normal paycheck (that might be different depending on what state you live in). After the 6 weeks is over, you can apply for 4 more weeks of Paid Family Leave. You just need to fill out the paper work on your states website for state disability and then there is a form for your doctor to fill out and that's pretty much it. Just do it at least a month or so before you want to take your leave as it takes a few weeks for the state to process the paperwork and for you to get paid.
01.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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