Life just gets better! Just been told that OH isn't entitled to paternity leave cause he hasn't been with the company for 26 weeks.. He's been there since July but started with an agency and we didn't think that would make a difference.. I'm due to drop any day now and he cannot afford to take 2 weeks unpaid so will have to go straight back (has no holiday to take)... I've never looked after a baby and now I'm going to be looking after one all day alone.. We're super struggling for money as I'm only bring in MA not SMP.. I'm an emotional wreck and stressing over where the next meal is coming from.. I've looked into benefits but not entitled to anything as OH earns over 16,000... But not enough to provide for a family with bills etc.. I don't know what to do!!! 😢😢😢😢

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totally understand where you are coming from xx this has happened to us xx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
that is a nasty move! I just wish they couldn't get away with stunts like that! it doesn't even cover nappies but they expect you to manage your bills etc :s xx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I will be getting maternity allowance and I know I'll be getting more then my friend who got smp. Sometimes it works out that way. You can't do right for doing wrong these days. Work more and get less. My boss cut my hours so I lost my average as you have to earn on average more then £112 a week for 26 weeks before maternity. It's a nightmare. @felicjuh xx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
you have got that wrong @stacey804 smp is only 90% of your normal wage for the first 6 weeks.. after that it's about 130 a week.. but it depends on your job.. if your earnings would be less than 130 a week you would get that from the start. my OH is self employed so I am the main earner so I 2 understand how hard is. just can't believe that's all the government does for families especially the working ones.. we pay all the tax etc all the time and when we need it we get the minimum of the minimum! xx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Smp is 90% of your weekly earnings. So depends how much people make a week but sometimes works out better for get ma depending on the job you do. It is tough for money, my oh only earns 14000 a year (before tax) and I'm currently on the sick from my job so I know it is tough. You will get help when baby arrives though but there's nothing much to can get before they come. If I was you I would enjoy the later end of your pregnancy, no need to get yourself worked up. It is unfortunate about your Ohs paternity leave and they should have told you well I'm advance to now. All that is usually sorted earlier when maternity leave is done, I could be wrong zx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
ma is the same amount as smp? isn't it? I know it was a couple of years ago. my husband doesn't earn much and smp is about £1000 a month less than my normal full time wages so I know where you're coming from. try not to worry thou, you will work it out. I think all working couples are in the same situation. It's really hard but you somehow make it work. You will get child benefit and tax credits which will bump it up a bit. I felt the same as you but I didn't return to work full time, just enough to match smp because it's not worth it with childcare costs, and we're doing fine with money. I don't know how but you suddenly make it work. ..Because you have no choice I get.

as for no paternity pay, it's only £140 a week anyway. Not full wages but he can take it unpaid and claim it back...ask his employer. I can't remember what it was called but this happened to my husband after our first baby and they gave him a form to fill out and be assessed by hrmc/benefits office and they pay it to him.we didn't bother with it because I was still earning full wages for the first 6 weeks so it didn't really matter but it's worth looking up
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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