Brianna Marie
Brianna Marie
Help! First time mom. 5 month old son doesn't have a high fever, but has a serious cough and congestion. He's miserable. Should I take him to the emergency room or wait to call his doctor in the morning??

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@daisyr3 @jemiveca @rosalinasmami
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you everyone! Thank God his doctor runs a private office. She's available on call 24/7 from her home if she's not in the office. Dadda ran to the pharmacy. We got some vapor rub, night time bath, and we also used the nasal saline and some 2+ month cough syrup (no medicine, as he's still young- soothes the cough) we will be going to his doctors office first thing in the morning, unless his fever spikes, we will go to the ER. Did ya'll know they have these pad things you can buy for around 10$ and they are one time use. But- they stick on his belly area and it monitors his temperate all night. To my understanding, it connects to your iPhone and your phone will beep if the temperature rises while we're sleeping. Worth a shot! Although I'm sure I won't sleep much. Thank you all very much!! ❤️❤️
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
take him to the ER my baby had the same thing and they gave her mulitple breathing treatments and deep suctioning which helped her so much they even gave me a machine to take home for the treatments
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Don't take him to the ER. Can catch something worse. Use humidifier, vapor rub, warm bath with vapor liquid soap, nasal spray, and some medicine. Good luck and hope he gets well soon.
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Try using a humidifier in baby's room. There's also baby cough medicine you can try! Hope he feels better soon!
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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