Nadisha Royal
Nadisha Royal
Omg! 19 weeks +4 days and feeling my baby kicking nice and strong! he or she is getting stronger each day and the force behind each kick causes my stomach to shake and move about its amazing! I'd forgotten how all this feels, it's too bad all this kicking is keeping me awake though lol...since I'm up I think I may record another video to send to daddy whilst he's at work tomorrow since he's already fast asleep lol

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My sleep pattern is all over the place. Haven't a clue where I am these days 😂 xx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@stacey804, yh that's what frightens me too, when baby goes all quiet, I then find myself bothering the poor baby trying to provoke a reaction so I know he or she is ok lol...That's a great idea I think I may try that lol, it's funny because I didn't think I'd get to sleep but I did in the end but not til about 1.30am-2.00am and I'm so tired now! just wish I didn't have to do the school run, I plan to go back to sleep for a while as soon as I get back in lol xx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah that's how I look at it, but when my little man decides to be quiet I panic! Hahahha but then I get a huge kick/punch and relax again. They like to test us I think. I had that problem so I kept record for a while then edited the video down to where you could see the movement. 😊 xx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@stacey804, Aww neither would I because it's definitely a beautiful feeling, I've been meaning to buy a doppler for so long but since feeling movement I realised I just don't need to because I get to feel that my baby's ok 😊 it really makes me smile, it's like every kick I get Bubba's reminding me he/she is still here and doing well. It's so hard trying to make a video, it's like every time I start recording baby stops moving and I end up recording my breathing hahaha but I have a couple kicks on camera at least 😊xx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
That's the same as me, kicks and moves around so forcefully I can't sleep. I also sat for ages trying to capture it all on video to send to my oh. Makes the moments so special. It's amazing feeling and watching your belly move. Wouldn't change it for the world 😊 xx
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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