No one can tell you how to take care of your baby, you gave birth to them they are yours if I want to feed my baby a little differently so be it. As long as it's safe and the doctor has no problem with it. It ain't no one's business on how you raise your child like "who are you"? again!? oh a none M******F***** Factor Rant Over night ladies ❤🙊😂

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oh goodness she's growing so fast😍 I'm just worried about idk what lol I'm sure I will but regardless I don't think cereal is something I will do lol
28.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Girl breastfeeding isn't so bad my baby is 3 weeks old and it's a amazing bonding experience if I ever decided to stop I don't even know what type of formula I would use! my baby was born 6pounds 10oz she's now 8 pounds all off of breastfeeding@hermommy
28.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Girl right😂😂 I was given fries at 2 months grannys are wonderful lol. but won't use cereal either I'm planning on breastfeeding if i can ever become comfortable with thd idea😩
28.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hermommy, I completely understand I breastfeed strictly I won't even use cereal it just erks my last damn nerve when people try to act like they know every thing. Every pedi is different and every baby is to. Shoot I was giving popsicle juice at 3 months because my older brother gave it to me 😂 I'm okay my momma gave me cereal to my bottle at 3 months I'm still okay. 😂
28.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
👏👏 the pedi I chose for my baby girl said at 2 months start adding a little cereal if they aren't getting full, your right though girl you birthed the baby you chose how to raise them
28.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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