Honestly I never used a digital test, until this pregnancy. That was because you see how light my first line test was, so my husband thought it was negative. Also I was getting crap from my mom for being pregnant, since everyone said negative I was trying to prove her wrong. Well I am, and she is coming around. But some of us produce more hormones fast than others, that's why I claimed it may of bed. A false "negative".
I said maybe it's a false negative. Also you can get false positives too, especially on clear blue. I had a positive on two of them and showed my husband happy, that was months ago. Now I have not got a false positive on the pink test, that why I said to her the digital is a false "negative". I used pink dye with all four pregnancy
@babymama85, is right u can't get a false positive on a line test but u could get a negative that's really positive on a digital it happens a lot in these groups I see it daily .. One girl kept getting negative on digital but her levels at dr showed she was pregnant ..@melinda89
@cmac11, there are better ones .. Trust me I've read them all😂 I also learned this pregnancy the dollar tree tests ( the one u used) are so sensitive and very accurate my Ob said the office uses them u can't get a false positive
The clear blue digital isn't as sensitive as the other ones. I don't think you would get a false positive on the HCG line one. I'd test again but I'd say it's positive!! Good luck
I took one digital and it said not pregnant. That was after getting a faint pink line. I stayed away from the digital tests after that, and had all positives after that.
@cmac11, yours look just like mine, but a tad darker. Maybe it's a false negative, take another of the Walmart test and see what is says. Then I would just confirm it with a doctor, because those are what they use really.
Also on a side not I am 6 weeks and the week estimator ones should have been saying I was 3+ but those also took a little longer .. You can find chats on all this online .. I'd wait to take a digital for a while .. I used the same test as u four days before my missed took 5 actually and they all looked like yours 😊
Digitals take a while to become pregnant they aren't as sensitive as the plain ones .. I didn't get a postive digital for about a week after my period was due.. Congrats