Please help. I was cleaning my daughters ears like a always to and i actually pulled her eating out. Well, it didn't look like this until it fell out! It started to bleed bad and I didn't wanna put it back in. Dosnt seem to hurt her, but it looks so bad! What should I do? Take her to the hospital or just wait u until the morning to call the dr. Office
unless its swollen or has puss theres no reason to go to that extreme. if it was really effecting her a lot ahe would be in pain or have a fever or the area would be hot.
clean it with alcohol. I don't think its that bad to take a trip to the doctor over a earring hole unless its pusy , swollen and infected . . Just clean with soap and water , alcohol and check in the morning. if it looks better use petroleum jelly on it so it won't close up for 2 days or so and try putting it back in