Hello everyone. My name is Nicole, I'm 21, and a mother of 2 beautiful boys. But one little boy just so happens to be Home with out Heavenly Father, and one is my Rainbow baby... Xander Kage Purser was born 8/12/14 through an emergency c-section @ 10:04 pm (7.11 lbs, 19 & 1/2 in long), and passed due to an AVM in his brain, an enlarged heart & heart failure on 8/26/14. Some the best 14 days I've ever experienced. He's my Guardian Angel... Xackary Neil Purser was born on 1/7/16 through a repeat c-section @ 4:38 pm (7.13 lbs, 20 in long). He'll be 2 months March 7th. I cried when he turned 2w1d old & 1 month, for reasons you can imagine.
I miss Xander every day, even with his baby brother here, but I am a firm believer in that 'Everything happens for a reason'. I WILL see Xander again, until then life must go on.
Any questions, feel free to ask.