Question: If you had one c-section with your first child, did it make it easier for your second c-section?
how long did it Take you to recover with the first? and the second?
Not necessarily easier. One of my good friends had to have an emergency c-section with her first and so to scheduled a c-section with her second (6 years apart) and it was harder the second time. But she said she thinks it's because she is older.
My sister said the 2nd time was so much easier and they were able to fix some of the pain she had been having because with the first one it was an emergency c-section, she said the scar was all jagged and it hurt. after her 2nd one it looks fine and she's able to exercise, bend, ect with no problems
I had my c-section 5 years ago and i was in a lot of pain, but i feel better knowing I'm Still numb in that area, so it should hurt but nearly as bad as the first time.
the medicine didn't help me after the surgery but I guess it depends on what hospital you go to and how good they are.