@eskawho, My baby girl had her first bath in our room too. And all her blood was drawn in our room. She was with me all day and only left at night and at night came in every three hours so I could feed her.
My daughter stayed with me. I didn't trust the nurses. lol I was paranoid over everything. But I had the help of my mother and my boyfriend the whole time. Even when I had to go back to the hospital two days later and stay for three days, my baby stayed with me as did my mom and boyfriend.
If I had the option I would still kept her. I waited 6 years to have a baby and wasn't letting her out of my sight. it was nice they didn't have a nursery...her 1st bath was in our room and anytime they need to draw blood they did it there. I felt better knowing she was with me at all times.
Sounds exhausting! I was up all night walking around trying to get my contractions going. After being on pitocin for an hour and progressing from 5 to 10 cm and pushing her out unmediated I wanted a break to catch up on some sleep lol.
I couldn't have my daughter in my room. she had to be in the scu, is what they call the nicu everywhere else. but I visited her whenever I could get up. I liked the rest I got and the prep they all gave me before she came home 2 days after I did.
@anap1012, I did the same thing. I stayed up late watching a movie the night before my contractions started. I hadn't gone to sleep yet when my contractions started at 2:30 in the morning. I had my daughter at 7:35 PM on the 4th of December and hadn't slept since around 9 AM on the 3rd.
I sadly did not have a choice with my daughter. She had to be monitored 24/7. I could only have her with me while I was awake. Rewind 11 months to the birth of my son and he was with me 24/7 as the hospital I had him at did not have a nursery, loved that bonding time with him. Sucks I didn't get that with my daughter until we came home