my daughter has only gained one pound since birth and she's a month old. is this normal?

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My son was a 34weeker and I was told to wake him up to feed every two hours. When they're early they have yet to gain the mentally that full term babies are born with to wake up and cry because they are technically supposed to be still inside us sleeping so that's all they do. My son would've slept all day if I allowed he was on breast and formula since I didn't produce enough and went from 4lbs 7 to 6lbs 8oz in his first month. I highly recommend similacs neosure formula for preemies it's a 22 calorie formula. Is you breastfeed maybe supplement for a few weeks-months. I mean I'm obv no dr but I feel like they should be encouraging her to gain more than that ESP with her being early and a low birth weight.
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you @kimberlyyyy
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
If you're interested (and you have Facebook) you can try searching for BRAS Breastfeeding Resource And Support. It's a wonderful group that could help with ideas to produce more milk, if you're interested in it.
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
yes and they didn't say anything except she gained two ounces since her two week checkup and they think that it was normal. and I've tried. I've taken some type of pill to help bring my breast milk up but its not helping. I pump less than a ounce a day. its discouraging. @kimberlyyyy
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I messaged u some pictures of the milk
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Have you seen a doctor for her 1 month check up? They may switch her formula. Is there any way you can try nursing her again since that was helping her gain? There are ways to relactate.
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I did the first two weeks and she gained the pound within the two weeks. since then. nothing. the formula seems like its doing nothing for her @kimberlyyyy what were you giving her or was she being nursed? @angie7404
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
If your doctor isn't concerned then don't be some babies gain more Weight then others . My daughter was 6 pounds at birth and at her fist doctor visit she was 9 pounds 15oz I think it had a lot to do with the milk I was giving her
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I feel like even being a couple weeks early she should have gained a little more than that. Maybe you can keep a food and diaper log to keep track of how much she's eating and how many wet and poopy diapers she has each day. My first son was born on time weighing 5lbs 11oz and lost 10oz in the first day but was slow to gain weight. I had to supplement with formula. Leads me to my next question, do you nurse her at all?
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I meant soiled**
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
5lbs 6ounces when she was born. she was born at 38 weeks. she eats around 3 to 4 ounces at a time. and spiked diapers? like poopy diapers? only once a day usually @kimberlyyyy
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
It depends. What did she start at? Is she eating enough? Having enough spiked diapers?
24.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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