I really need someone's advice , I just got off the phone with my mom and she told me that she had gone to the doctor on Saturday and that they diagnosed her with postpartum depression and anxiety 😳 every time we talk on the phone she cries and I try to stay strong to not cry but I just can't anymore 😢 she tells me to go visit her but I feel like if I go it's just going to bring me down and I'm going to feel worried and I don't want my daughter to see me like that , I just feel its not right. I love my mom to death but if I go over there I know not going to be able to stay strong for her and I'm just going to cry my eyes out and I don't want that. I'm so confused and hurt , I need someones advice please 😢😢😢😢

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i know how you feel, i grew so much hate for my stepdad he used to hit her and accuse of her so much there was times i had to break down their door cause he always locked her up and there to argue and stress her out even my sister hit him, he never left her alone it was horrible! but i hope your mom can get into a happier state and maybe leave one day 😕
23.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Go see her! She needs you
23.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@navywifej, I think that's what happened to my mom because my dad has never been supportive with her and has always treated her wrong. That's another reason why I think twice about going because I haven't talked to my dad ever since I got with my bf which has been 5 years already and the last time I went over there he got mad at my mom and told her that he didn't want me over there unless I told him I was going over there first. He's just so ridiculous. but I'm so over him and if I go over there its going to be to support my mom and not for him
23.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
yeah @marii2015 just see how it goes at least you won't feel bad for trying
23.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
ive watched my mom grow up and develop that my stepdad stressed her out to the point that she became depressed and had anxiety as well, she would always cry to my sister and i, I would always give her positive words and try to keep her positive about everything and try new things that would keep her in a happy state, just see her and let her know you're there for her and comfort her let her know everything will be okay 💗
23.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@marii2015 I would :) just be that shoulder. I feel sometimes we make ourselves feel like we HAVE to be strong or we HAVE to fix someone. but we cant. sometimes people just need love and support and someone to listen.
23.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mrsgeorge, @valerie_jean , you guys are right she is my mom and she does need me , I guess I'll try to go without my daughter first and see how it goes , then I'll take my daughter the next time
23.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Your mom needs you. Try to support her. Maybe going over there so she can see her daughter and granddaughter it'll make her days better.
23.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
she's your mom...maybe she doesn't new someone to stay strong for her. maybe she needs someone to cry with her. I would go. get a babysitter and go visit for a bit..
23.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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