what's the reason for your section? u said your first labour was 7mins after induction too so how do u work that one out. takes alot more than 7mins to actually be induced either pessarys or drip etc.
haha @xxtxx I've just seen your post. it speaks 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 made me laugh. the other post u wrote on @xxtxx asking how induction went has been deleted!! haha
why say you were going through same on another profile? ie having a miscarriage?? have u really been induced??? show us your name band on your wrist seen as u r in hospital!! @lauren16 @xxtxx @leanne2016
sorry was dropping the kids at school. It just doesn't add up @lauren16 . If I am wrong I apologise but there's been too many people that have been fake accounts on here since I joined when I found out I was pregnant. They start off like this and some of them turn out to be pure sickos saying some awful things to other people. I've reported it too x
she's also wrote on someone else's post to act like she's actually having a miscarriage 😞@lauren16 @leanne2016 @homely.mummy.no2 and also on another one of her posts she was very rude to another person by saying I hope her baby comes out special and let her take the piss 😕strange people out there!!!
I don't know @lauren16 @homely.mummy.no2 she told me @xxtxx plus why Is her profile 11 weeks but saying she's overdue or having a c section plus she hasn't even backed her self up