My mom and I always had a very troubled relationship. I feel she acts more like she's a teenager more than a mom. She always tends to put her relationships before her children. And she gets mad at me for not being supportive of the deadbeats she deals with. FYI - the man she's married to she's no longer with but she's still legally married too has been telling everyone that he slept with me (not true) but she still considered taking this fool back at one point. Thank god she found someone new. But now she has completely abandoned my siblings leaving them in the house while she stays with her new bf. I got pissed and told her she needs to grow up. Since then she has cut me off for not being supportive of her new relationship and we have not spoken. Now she had someone call me to tell me she wants to spend time with my daughter. But I'm against it because she doesn't even check up on her own grandchild. Now all of a sudden I'm evil and stingy with my child. This whole situation is stressing me. Sorry for the long post guys!!