Having a hard time starting breastfeeding: nipples cracked and bleeding... Today my 3days old baby girl spit up with blood(((( Is it from my bleeding breast..??? Or should I be worried??
hospital for that little one....my nipple were cracked bleeding I even has milk blisters painful to feed but never did any of my children spit up blood. They wouldn't get that amount of blood just from feeding. Praying for ur baby.
my mom said she had that happen when she was breastfeeding my brother. they used to sell like nipple covers/shields, she said to help with the bleeding cracked nipples.
ER, ASAP. If your breast were bleeding that heavily it wouldn't stop at feeding's end, and that looks like fresh blood. Prayers for your little muffin!
@adrenalizee, @ashsloan yes, I see the blood coming from my nipples when she's eating.. Other than that she seems to be fine: eating a lot, sleeping, peeing and pooping normally (though the poop is a little watery)..
If she spit up blood take her to the ER immediately!!!!! Even if it's from you she needs to be checked out just in case!!!!
And if you haven't got any yet get some nipple cream or lanolin it's perfectly safe for baby and helps the cracking