Birth story....sorry it's late been a crazy few days!
So at around 2am last wed morning 5 days past due I was lying on the sofa and it felt like I'd wet myself so I jumped up quick and it just kept trickling Dow
N my leg I went to the toilet and even more clear mucas has come away but no blood or pink tinge, went into hospital at 6am and they confirmed my water had gone and checked my cervix but it was still way back so told me to come back at 2pm to be induced unless I started on my own....witch I did almost instantly after being messed pains were all over the shop 10 mins apart then 15 then 4 so went back in at 12.30 as I was in so much pain and after being checked again I was no further along so they induced me and gave me 2
Paracetamol I was screaming for epadural I couldn't handle the pain but they said I couldn't have anything untill I went to delivery as I was only 4 cm then I blacked out!! I came round and they were taking me to delivery after a few go's on gas and air I was violently sick so that got took off me I was in and out of consciousness with the pain. And after 40 mins pushing they hit the red alarm my baby had turned and had her shoulder stuck I honestly don't know where I got the strength but I eventually pushed her out they whisked her away as she wasn't responding but came back mins later happy and healthy!:) unfortunately I tore so badly that they missed a stitch and I now have a bad infection I can honestly say my 3rd labour was the worst ....but id do it all again for Olivia ❤️❤️❤️❤️