Legit question...
I have two weddings to attend in July...do they card you at weddings?
I've never been to a wedding ever😂 someone help lol. I don't wanna get smashed but I'd like to share a glass of wine when we toast the bride and groom
my boyfriend took very good care of me. he took me away from the party before I got too bad. I am very thankful of him for doing that because nobody knew I got drunk well wasted. I was so embarrassed I told myself I'm not getting wasted I just want to get tipsy. I couldn't stop after reaching that point I just wanted to drink more. yep lol
I went to my uncles wedding and they didnt card me and I was smashed I regret it miserably. proud to say I have not drink since. that was a wake up call for me that I do have a problem
Ah gotcha I didn't know her due date@celeste0507 . so yeah pregnancy won't be an issue but they do card at weddings maybe have someone else get it for you?