Valeria Alonso
I honestly feel like there's something wrong with me...
You see every time I get out of the house I can't stop thinking something bad is gonna happen, doesn't manner if my baby is with me or not.
If he's with me, I just think someone may come up to me, and just take my baby. If I'm by myself I think that I may get in an accident or something and then what's gonna happen with my baby.
So I rather stay home and do nothing, but now that's making me feel lonely, I don't have family here, so there's really no one I could go to, and don't really have much friends either. I feel weak, like literally as if I have no energy, and don't want to eat nothing at all some times.
I love my baby so much, but sometimes I feel like I need to take a break, so It makes me feel like a bad mother also!
I feel like another anxiety attack may come really soon, I don't know what to do anymore.
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my sister-in-law actually have like panic attacks also, but she has her mind off in some other world... but I mean like she's always with her friends and if not she just want to be alone, so it makes me think like well I'll just leave her alone then, she's dealing with her own problem. But yess it is wrong of me to think that way! @crazytoast

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my sister-in-law actually have like panic attacks also, but she has her mind off in some other world... but I mean like she's always with her friends and if not she just want to be alone, so it makes me think like well I'll just leave her alone then, she's dealing with her own problem. But yess it is wrong of me to think that way! @crazytoast

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Maybe consider talking to someone? I was at the point where I was too afraid to leave my house but going to talk to someone who understands your situation and can help you learn coping skills makes things a lot easier. Just to feel like there's someone who gets where those anxious thoughts come from really helps. It's been four years for me and I have a better handle on how to control my thoughts and body before letting it go into a full on panic attack. It's not always the best option but it could really help with the loneliness too, having someone to share your thoughts with. 😊

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